Wind Sculptures
Tuhmat (Susse & Joonas Parviainen) study and experiment with wind. During the SÍM Residency stay they creating sculptures shaped by wind, a cozy nest for wind and harps played by wind. Wind Sculptures turn intangible wind into something visible. We wanted to create a soft space for wind – and everyone else – to feel calm in. Multisensory art experience Tuulenpesä (Wind's Nest) was created at the SíM Korpúlfssta∂ir project space. Sound, visuals, acoustics, haptics, vibrations and participatory were all present in the installation. Our first aeolian harp (wind harp) was made out of a found fishing rod that could be used like a bow to play the wind.
Name :
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Project :
Wind Sculptures
Residency :
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