The Trace Of Tides
What does it mean to be within nature? To experience it through objects, weather reports and tide diagrams. To trace time and a never-ending flow of things washing up on a beach.
For two month, I asked myself that question. What does it mean to be within this space? Not as a passive observer but as an active seeker. To walk the seafront and to experience how the tide changes the landscape, the territorial border. To experience the wind, rain and sun. To see the water four times a day rearranging the outline of the beach. A natural still life. Water wearing down driftwood and glass. Trying to break down plastic.
I decided to give back and started to clean on my everyday walk. Removing what is not supposed to be there. Taking the trash and objects to my studio. Tracing them to drawings and rearranging the objects in dialog with the drawings. My own still life set up. Following the movement of the objects outline became a choreography where speed, duration and hardness shaped the final drawing. It also became an investigation of how something is altered or not over time.

Name :
Moa Gustafsson Söndergaard
Country :
Project :
The Trace Of Tides
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
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