The Lichen Family
The Fungi Project is a project I've been working on since 2018, where I explore the symbiotic relationship between fungi, humans, and non-humans through art. My project is a lifelong endeavor, since all my art projects are connected to fungi. Currently, I’m focusing on lichens and how their symbiotic relationships can help us understand our own human relationships. I am adopted, and lichens have taught me to form connections with others, even when we're not biologically related. Lichens have survived in extreme environments thanks to their relationships with other species. The same happens with adopted people—we have had to create symbiotic relationships in order to survive. I propose creating a photo book of my family archive, embroidering the faces of my family members to transform them into lichens, calling them in this way the "lichen family." A family that has managed to create symbiotic bonds, just like lichens.

Name :
Ana Parrodi
Country :
Project :
The Lichen Family
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
This project is sponsored by Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales and Programa de Estímulos a la Creación y Desarrollo Artistico (PECDA Puebla)
Website :
Email :