Listening Scores [Reykjavík]
I wanted to connect with places and environments around the coastline of Reykjavík, embracing affective listening. Seven scores were created, but due to the Covid19 pandemic, these were not exhibited and distributed in the city as planned. Instead an online-publication has been made with the purpose of activating these listening scores. Some of them are created with a specific place in mind, but their wording can be used anywhere that bears the same characteristics and facilitate a listening experience.
The Listening Scores [Reykjavík] publication can be found here: http://performance-protocols.net/Interventions/TinaMarianeKroghMadsenListeningScoresReykjavik.pdf

Name :
Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen
Country :
Project :
Listening Scores [Reykjavík]
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
Website :
Email :