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I Think We Share the Same Sky

The project questions a relation between drawing (line), language (word), memory (time) and landscape, universe (space).
It is focused on exploring of the human ability to observe, to look, to watch and see, to perceive and remember, and thus to process these subjective perceptions into universal relations. Working with the imagery of the ephemeral phenomenon such as sky, darkness, lightness of the snow, tides, border between ocean and sky I created a series of drawings and watercolors along with a longscale videowork depicting waterfall, where the falling water is slowed down to almost unperceivable motion.
My main was on ellaborating a text - kind of a hybrid of a poem/ essay/ reflection on relation between language and nature.

Name :

Martina Mäsiarová

Country :


Project :

I Think We Share the Same Sky

Residency :


Month :


Year :


Grants :

Supported using public funding by Slovak Art Council

Website :

Email :

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